TRAIL Polyclonal Antibody-文献综述-资讯-生物在线

TRAIL Polyclonal Antibody

作者:上海岚兴生物科技有限公司 2016-11-21T00:00 (访问量:1952)

    Polyclonal Antibody

CATALOG #: 3045-100
AMOUNT: 100 μg
LOT #: ________________
100 μg (0.5 mg/ml) affinity purified, rabbit anti-TRAIL polyclonal antibody in phosphate
buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.2, containing 50% glycerol, 1% BSA, 0.02% sodium azide.
Store at -20°C. For long term storage, aliquot and freeze at -70°C. Avoid repeated
freeze/defrost cycles.
TRAIL (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand), a member of the TNF ligand family, is a type
II membrane protein and expressed in a variety of human tissues. Two death domains
containing receptors DR4 and DR5 have been identified as the receptors for TRAIL and two
decoy receptors designated DcR1 and DcR2 inhibit TRAIL function. The multiple receptors
suggest a complex role for regulation of signaling by the cytokine. TRAIL induces apoptosis
and NF-kB activation in many tissues and cells.
The antibody detects a 32 kDa protein, corresponding to the apparent molecular weight of
TRAIL on SDS-PAGE immunoblots, in human cell lines.
The antibody can be used for Western blot analysis (0.5-1 μg/ml), ELISA (2-3 μg/ml) and
neutralization (5-10 μg/ml). However, the optimal conditions should be determined
FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY! Not to be used on humans.
Apoptosis Detection Kits & Reagents
· Annexin V Kits & Bulk Reagents
· Caspase Assay Kits & Reagents
· Mitochondrial Apoptosis Kits & Reagents
· Nuclear Apoptosis Kits & Reagents
· Apoptosis Inducers and Set
· Apoptosis siRNA Vectors
Cell Fractionation System
· Mitochondria/Cytosol Fractionation Kit
· Nuclear/Cytosol Fractionation Kit
· Membrane Protein Extraction Kit
· Cytosol/Particulate Rapid Separation Kit
· Mammalian Cell Extraction Kit
· FractionPREP Fractionation System
Cell Proliferation & Senescence
· Quick Cell Proliferation Assay Kit
· Senescence Detection Kit
· High Throughput Apoptosis/Cell Viability Assay Kits
· LDH-Cytotoxicity Assay Kit
· Bioluminescence Cytotoxicity Assay Kit
· Live/Dead Cell Staining Kit
Cell Damage & Repair
· HDAC Fluorometric & Colorimetric Assays & Drug Discovery Kits
· HAT Colorimetric Assay Kit & Reagents
· DNA Damage Quantification Kit
· Glutathione & Nitric Oxide Fluorometric & Colorimetric Assay Kits
Signal Transduction
· cAMP & cGMP Assay Kits
· Akt & JNK Activity Assay Kits
· Beta-Secretase Activity Assay Kit
Adipocyte & Lipid Transfer
· Recombinant Adiponectin, Survivin, & Leptin
· CETP Activity Assay & Drug Discovery Kits
· PLTP Activity Assay & Drug Discovery Kits
· Total Cholesterol Quantification Kit
Molecular Biology & Reporter Assays
· siRNA Vectors
· Cloning Insert Quick Screening Kit
· Mitochondrial & Genomic DNA Isolation Kits
· 5 Minutes DNA Ligation Kit
· 20 Minutes Gel Staining/Destaining Kit
· β -Galactosidase Staining Kit & Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit
Growth Factors and Cytokines
Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies

上海岚兴生物科技有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 上海市奉贤区奉柘公路2799号

联系人: 张经理

电 话: 021-57503059

传 真: 021-57503059


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